drilling engineering

well design, well programs,well control,drilling software ( sysdrill, drillbench ..)

production engineering

oil production, gas production, CPF .. (pipesim, ecrin ..)

well logging

logging tools, interpretation software

reservoir engineering

simulation by software(ex:petrel , eclips , CMG )>>> you can commnicat with me on facebook on the reservoir mangement group

رسالة ترحيب للعاملين في المجال النفط

اهلا وسهلا بكم في مدونتي الخاصة انا مهندس محمد جواد اقدم اليكم اطيب التحايا واتمنى ان تستفيدوا من ما موجود من مواد علمية داخل المدونة ونسالكم الدعاء

Sunday 3 September 2017

RFD_tNavigator_v4.1.3 to run simulation


New technologies developed by the research and product development teams of Rock Flow Dynamics are integrated into the company’s flagship product – tNavigatorTM. This software is designed for running dynamic reservoir simulations on engineers’ laptops, servers, and HPC clusters. tNavigator is written in C++ and designed from the ground up to run parallel acceleration algorithms on multicore and manycore shared and distributed memory computing systems.
The software employs Qt graphical libraries, which makes the system true multiplatform. By taking advantage of the latest computing technologies like NUMA, Hyperthreading, MPI/SMP hybrids, the performance of tNavigator by far exceeds the performance of any industry standard dynamic simulation tools. Only by using tNavigator can users be sure to unlock the full potential of modern computing hardware.
Unlike other competing software products, tNavigator license pricing doesn’t depend on the number of cores employed in the shared memory computing systems.
One of the other distinctive features, which sets tNavigator apart from any existing products, is the interactive user control of the simulation run. Users can not only monitor every step of the reservoir simulation at runtime, but also, they can directly interrupt and change the simulation’s configurations with just a mouse click.


password /reservoirmangement

Friday 16 December 2016

Petroleum expert

مجموعة بتروليوم اكسبيرت التي تحتوي مجموعة من البرامج المهمة مثل prosper . pvtp ..

Friday 9 October 2015

Sunday 31 May 2015

Monday 18 May 2015


PanSystem software has been the industry’s  provides many complementary tools for well test interpretation and analysis program
